I move through the piece with the theme of sabotage, first introducing it as the missing tactic of "fighting dirty," using examples from my life and widening the identification to the "we" first person. I then excuse the audience from decency, to which most liberals immediately gravitate as an ideology, by explaining how it doesn't work because Republicans will only meet us halfway. By convincing the readers to co-opt their shady tactics, but in a cleverer way than they can, and for ultimate justice, I allow the reader to participate in a fantasy of political overthrow, which I reinforce by explaining Republican ideological tactics with metaphors (the American soldier, Joe the Plumber) that liberals will probably instinctively reject, and then by suggesting that Ron Paul is the only sane option, and also that Democratic primary elections won't suffer from our absence. The fantasy is the catharsis that releases our tension with our own party's inactivity and our frustration with the high likelihood of a Republican president in 2012, turning this energy into the James Bond intellectual espionage affect that my readers will need to re-register as Republicans and not feel dirty. I think this radical-seeming tactic can be more appealing than more general ones like donating to the Democratic campaign, especially with a young audience, because it seems bigger and more "real."
Advice on pacing problems and flow will be especially welcome, because this sucker is a hot mess!
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